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UK Referendum & EPO
According to a statement of president Battistelli, published earlier today, “The Office...
NSRF 2014-2020 and Commercial Property
Four actions, financed by the NSRF 2014-2020 and specifically by the Operational Progra...
OHIM is renamed EUIPO
The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) is to be renamed the EU Inte...
EUR 1.4 billion damage from counterfeiting games
Manufacturers of all kinds of toys throughout the E.U. they lose around 1.4 billion eur...
F. Marouli wins “Excellence in Trademark Law – Greece” award
We are really proud of winning a trophy in the “LEGAL AWARDS 2015”.
Serbia joins TMview
As of 06 July 2015, the Serbian Intellectual Property Office (IPORS) has made its trade...
PCT filings reach a new peak in 2014
In 2014, the use of the PCT continued to grow, with approximately 215,000 PCT applicati...
Turkey joins Designview
As of 16 March 2015, the Turkish TPI has made its design data available to the DesignVi...
Should I request an International Preliminary Examination? (part II)
In the previous post we briefly saw what the International Preliminary Examination is a...
Hungary joins DesignView
The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) has joined Designview, the registered...
Should I request an International Preliminary Examination? (Part I)
The International Preliminary Examination is an optional procedure concerning the PCT f...
PPH pilot programmes with Canada, Mexico and Singapore
EPO will launch PPH pilot programmes with Canada, Mexico and Singapore